The Approaching Civil War in Israel - Sleepwalking into a Nightmare
Published 27 November 2009 at Blogcritics Magazine
Copyright © R. Kossover, 2009
Warnings from Politicians
I picked up this little item from Arutz Sheva Thursday morning (26 November 2009). Ynetnews carefully avoided mentioning MK Danny Danon's (Likud) warning that Barak and Netanyahu are leading us to civil war in its coverage of a meeting of leaders from Judea and Samaria.
Later that day, MK Tzipora Hotobeli (Likud) amplified this point, saying that Prime Minister Netanyahu had made a mistake in strategically separating Judea and Samaria from Jerusalem in dealing with the United States and its little "Palestinian" puppet Mahmoud Abbas.
Not all of our soldiers are happy with being used as goons to kick out fellow Jews from their homes, when it is obvious to them (and any sane individual) that instead of ruining the lives of Jews (and fellow Israeli citizens), they should be protecting them from depradations of terrorists bent on murdering them.
But Security MInister Ehud Barak (Labor), just the day before (25 November 2009), had warned recruits that soldiers' protests against the illegal use of force against Jewish residents in Judea and Samaria would be met with an iron fist.
And Binyamin Netanyahu is determined to bow to the setting sun of the Americans, as did the evil priests in the days immediately before the destruction of the Temple of Solomon, who defecated in front of the Altar of G-d as they faced the sun worshipping it.
Events of the last several weeks or months here in Israel lead inescapably to this conclusion: the day that Jewish residents will have to fire on Jewish policemen and soldiers to protect their homes is approaching rapidly.
The Double Standard of the Hiloní Establishment in Israel
First, let's look at the viciousness of the Border Guards and Israel Police in dealing with Jews here in Judea and Samaria, and the double standard applied in law here, where Arabs are given a nearly free pass, and Jews are treated like trash. It was this kind of evil that brought upon us the Holocaust in Europe - Jews persecuting Jews.
Two days ago, a member of mishmár hag'vúl, the Border Guards who are paramilitary police, was indicted for beating up a national camp demonstrator.
According to Arutz Sheva, this all took place last July. "The police originally claimed they were the ones who were attacked, but authorities accepted a video as evidence that police officer Tal Yemini was the instigator."
The victim, a youth at MaHané Horón, a Samarian community, was shown in the video with Yemini shoving his fist in his nose and eyes, though the boy did not display any aggressive behavior. Nevertheless, the police arrested the youth on charges of "attacking a policeman."
This incident was newsworthy because it was more in the "man bites dog" category than "dog bites man". Members of the Border Guard routinely incite national camp demonstrators and attack them, and then arrest them for "attacking police officers". According to Arutz Sheva, spokesmen for the Civil Rights Organization of Judea and Samaria also charged that Border Police discriminate against Jews by arresting them often without evidence, while routinely releasing Arabs immediately after arrest.
The pigs are the same the world over, telling the same lies, and getting pliable or bought-off judges to go along with their fraud. The instances where the judge does not go along with the fraud and lies are the newsworthy ones.
An example of this is this case where a cop was sued by his victim over how he treated him during the expulsion at 'Amóna, four years ago. Arutz Sheva also reported on this nine days ago on 17 November. According to the article, shotér (Patrolman) David Atia will pay almost NIS 60,000 to David Ladvin, whom he attacked at the protest against demolitions at 'Amona in 2005. Atia was filmed butting Ladvin, his head in his helmet. Nevertheless, note carefully: the judge in the case, Judge Karmi Mosek of the the Jerusalem Magistrates' Court, set aside a criminal conviction of Atia for assault so that he could continue serving on the police - and continue attacking other demonstrators. There may well be other issues involved as well. By setting aside the criminal conviction of shotér Atia, the judge did not interfere with the pazá"m, the system of promoting cops and soldiers according to time served rather than merit or passing of exams. So David Atia will likely wear some kind of rank, and get better pay. Beating up religious Jews pays in the Israel Police.
Not long ago, police expelled Jews from their homes near Hevron - but according to Arutz Sheva, illegal Arab homes with demolition orders ten years old were untouched by the police action.
Judges in many parts of Israel follow along in this mollycoddling of Arab terror. Judge Yuval Shadmi of the Nazareth District Court refused to sentence an Arab youth to jail time for throwing rocks at a police squad car. His reason? He alleged that Jews who do the same thing in Judea and Samaria are not prosecuted or jailed for the same things. Reminders from the the Organization for Civil Rights in Judea and Samaria that the opposite was true, and that considerable evidence of this had been collected already (witness the cases cited above, for example), were ignored by the good judge.
In the meantime, the government violates the agreements it makes with its citizens. The Israeli government had an agreement with a Knesset sub-committee chairman, Ze'ev Elkin (Likud), that no expulsion would be conducted on the Sabbath. And then it swooped down on Homesh - where expelled residents are trying to rebuild homes - on the very Sabbath it agreed not to violate.
Let's end this portion of the article with one more example of what passes for "justice" in this land. In 2005, a fifteen-year-old kid was hitching a ride when two cops accosted him and demanded to see his teudát zehút, his ID papers. He had none. You have to be 16 years of age or older to obtain a teudát zehút. He attempted to tell the cops that and asked them to check his ID through the computer system they have in their cars. They refused. They shoved him in the back of the car on the floor and beat and kicked the boy. According to Arutz Sheva, two soldiers who were at a nearby guard post, and a third soldier who was in the area, testified that they tried to intervene but that the policemen refused to stop beating the boy. The Human Rights Committee of the Council of Jewish Communities in Judea and Samaria secured the release of the youth and a complaint was filed with police. The upshot? A police disciplinary court fined the two cops NIS 1,200 (about $315) in damages, and no criminal charges were filed against them.
Rights and Wrongs
One should be clear here. The expulsion from Homesh, just like the expulsion from Gush Qatif, was illegal. The residents of all these towns and villages had built their homes and lives at the encouragement and approval of the government of Israel. Every legitimate effort to push this expulsion through failed. All the efforts to "legalize" this expulsion were "k'ílu", in other words, end runs around the law. But it was done; the Hebrew press (following the lead of the anti-Israel media world-wide) beat the drums of contempt for those living in Gaza, Judea and Samaria; it ignored herculean efforts to impress the citizenry; and the government leaders stopped up their ears and committed illegality anyway, expelling the 8,000 residents of Gush Qatif and 2,000 residents of northern Samaria.
In doing so, they broke the law of the land, abusing fiat rights of authority, the kind of tyrannical excesses that used to be common in the monarchy of England, to pave their illegal way. The courts, under the rule of the same Hiloní G-d-hating, Torah-hating elite stood aside and washed its hands, and the government perpetrated treason and ethnic cleansing upon its own people. One would have thought that we were Syrian or Iraqi fellahín, the way the government has acted here, that we could be expelled from our homes, have our lives ruined, or even be killed at the will of the régime of traitors in Jerusalem.
Those who attempt to settle the Land, those who try to rebuild their homes and lives, are in the right. And the Stalinist bastards who do the bidding of the United States and of Europe are in the wrong. The traitors in Jerusalem have sunk to the low sewer of the nastiest Arab tyrants, to the level of the scum and savages who ruin Arabia and Persia. Their goons have sunk with them. They are no better than gutter trash. Bullets are too good for them. There has already been Divine Retribution against the Americans who pressured the Israeli government to do this evil. Divine Retribution will come against the Israeli leaders who are as bad as the Jew-hating dung of Russia and Germany.
In their continued depravity, they defecate upon the honor of the young men and women who put their lives on the line to keep these bastards in office in Jerusalem.
Soldiers' Protests and the Larger Picture
Now, let's look at the events of recent weeks surrounding the k'fir "Young Lions" Battalion of the IDF.
There is a history of difficult relations, if not outright hatred, between the Hiloní (secular and anti-clerical) establishment that controls the army and the press and the religious Jews and their own establishments in the army. As I've pointed out elsewhere, a large proportion of the IDF is religious and loyal to the idea of a G-d of Israel and the mission for the Children of Israel, a mission expressed in various ways, while the top brass is a G-d-hating, Torah-hating establishment, a fossilized remainder from the pre-state days when the left-wing kibbutzim supplied the majority of the fighting men as well as commanders.
As a reminder of this hatred, a Channel 2 news broadcaster called for the dissolution of the hésder yeshivót, which train soldiers who maintain religious values. According to this Arutz Sheva report, Ronny Daniel reminded viewers that former IDF Chief of Staff Dan Halutz had said at the time of the Disengagement in 2005 that he would "settle accounts" with soldiers who refused to participate in the Disengagement. In case anyone has forgotten (and I'm sure all of you have), Halutz was the IDF CoS who sold his stocks in Israeli firms in July 2006, fearing a decline of their values in a war; he also designed the disastrous strategy that the IDF followed in the Second Lebanon War.
The brigades in the K'fir Battalion, which serves largely in Judea and Samaria, have been protesting the expulsion of Jews by Jewish soldiers in Judea and Samaria by holding up various signs at graduation ceremonies held at the Western Wall saying that their brigade does not expel fellow Jews. While the Hebrew media and the government have tried to focus their anger on the religious Jews in the K'fir Battalion and on the hésder yeshivót which train them, the truth is that religious and secular soldiers alike share this view. And because they are usually the ones called upon to do the evil deed, backing up the more vicious and ideologically motivated Border Guards and Israel Police, they are more sympathetic to the Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria - people often beset by outside agitators who try to stir up Arabs against them, as well as by American snoops who try to worm information out of them, and by "peace groups" who commit espionage, funded by foreign countries like Finland and England.
Strictly speaking, the signs at the ceremonies are insubordination and should be punished as such. But, more honestly speaking, these soldiers have been forced to perform illegal political tasks by a government that, in negotiating the surrender of sovereign Jewish land to an enemy, has committed treason in the plain sense of the word. So, if these soldiers rightfully protest the treasonous actions of their government, they are in the right and the government is in the wrong - as it has been ever since it agreed to the Oslo Suicide Accord.
And that is the bottom line here.
Soldiers and Israelis generally can see that the American government is an enemy of this country. American President Obama has, as I hoped he would, stripped away the mask of "friendship" worn by more proficient American liars like George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. The reality of the bully/bullied relationship of the United States towards Israel is plain as day now. Obama is the target marker. All those who bow to the will of this evil man and his flunkies are targets - people to be ejected from government here, to be replaced by honest patriots who will not waste their time on the trash from Europe and the United States.
It is time for a man to arise amongst us who will have the courage of Matatyahu the Kohen, the father of the Maccabees, who ran his sword through a Jew who, like Netanyahu, Peres and Barak, bows to the idols of "peace" and falsehood.
Hanukka approaches. May the Almighty grant us a miracle.
Labels: Arab Terrorism, Corruption, Foreign Control, Israeli Politics, Life in Israel