25 February 2013



טו באדר, התשע''ג
25 February, 2013
Copyright © R. Kossover
מאת ראובן קןסובר, עורך וכתב 

This morning I received a couple of messages from P. David Blumenthal, a man who has developed a reputation as a solid analyst of trends in history, and with whom I tend to see almost eye-to-eye on many things

One message was a report submitted to the Obama administration in 2009 by a "U.S./MIDDLE EAST PROJECT", an outfit that listed General Brent Scowcroft (U.S. Armed Forces, retired) as "Chair, International Board", and Henry Siegman as its "President".  The report was signed by the following individuals: 

Zbigniew Brzezinski
Chuck Hagel
Lee H. Hamilton
Carla Hills
Nancy Kassebaum-Baker
Thomas R. Pickering
Brent Scowcroft
Theodore C. Sorensen
Paul A. Volcker
James D. Wolfensohn

Those of you who remember the unfortunate administration of James Earl Carter will recognize Zbigniew Brzezinski, the Polish born "National Security Adviser" who was supposed to be Carter's equivalent of Henry (Hainz) Kissinger.  Most of these names are "heavy hitters" in Washington, D.C., with lots of influence and power in that depraved city.  Those of you with a really good memory will recognize James Wolfensohn as the fellow who got Jews to pony up $100 million to buy the vegetable nurseries that Jews in Gush Qatif were forced to abandon by former prime minister Ariel Sharon in 2005.  These vegetable nurseries were made a "gift" to the PA Arabs of Gaza - who promptly looted them and made them worthless.  In addition, you will note that the second signatory on this report is former United States senator, Chuck Hagel.  We'll get back to that in just a bit.

When you read this report, you will see that it contains all kinds of allusions to an American-led Arab occupation force for Judea, Samaria and the Heights of Golan, with the idea of sending in thousands of American soldiers to occupy Judea and Samaria, the Arab neighborhoods if Jerusalem and probably the rest of the country as well.  I read this report as best as I could with all the things blocked out.  It has ALL the features I have worried about since making aliyah in 2001.  It includes the likelihood that I and my fellow residents in Ma'ale Levona will have to fight WELL ARMED American and Arab soldiers to maintain our homes here; and the likelihood that we will be besieged militarily. Every time I ride in a car or bus to or from Ma'ale Levona, I think about these issues.

It is evident that this plan, proposed originally for January/February of 2009, is in the process of being implemented now. One solution is not to waste time on "hasbará" - but instead, where possible, to invest time in obtaining a weapon, and going to target practice as often as feasible. As structures of society here and around the world crumble, WE WILL BE RESPONSIBLE MORE AND MORE FOR OUR OWN DEFENSE. The IDF will make valiant efforts, but as World War III spreads from Syria to here, as is likely, THE IDF'S OWN STRUCTURE WILL CRUMBLE UNDER THE WEIGHT OF 500 MISSILES DAILY FROM THE NORTH.

I'm not the only one with opinions on the subject, it seems.   Mark Langfan, writing in an op-ed in Arutz Sheva published on 23 February, raised the idea of a "death trap" in Judea and Samaria to be created at the hands of Chuck Hagel, that second signatory to the report I cited above.  Langfan's take was that American soldiers would be endangered by PA Arabs.  This is just some of what he had to say about all this:

"...Obama will do anything and everything to get Hagel confirmed because Obama knows Hagel, and only Hagel, hates Israel enough to sacrifice 1000's of US soldiers in body bags, and dumb enough to gladly blow 160 Billion US dollars, we don’t have, in order to grossly cripple, or perhaps even destroy Israel.  In 2007, Hagel saw Hamas takeover the Gaza Strip in 10 seconds flat. So in 2009, he knew the 60,000 U.S. troops he was recommending Obama send into the "West Bank"  would have been instantly trapped by Hamas, and subject to multiple Marine Beirut Barracks-type suicide blasts and kidnappings. But to compound Hagel’s rank stupidity, Hagel also wanted to put US troops on the Golan at the same time."

It's a good try at getting American sympathies - but personally, I think that the Hagel nomination is a done deal, and that at some point, the Republican opposition to it will melt like a snow-man in hot weather.  Why do I think this?

Well, the trouble with being a believer in the Tana"kh, is that you have to take it seriously.  And I do.  In the Book of Ezekiel, the Almighty tells Ezekiel, "'Son of man, set your face toward Gog, of the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, and say: 'Thus says the L-rd G-D: Behold, I am against you, O Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal;....'" [Ezekiel 38:2-3]  

Protestant preachers of various varieties, not to mention the our own great sage, Vilna Ga'on, have all said that Gog is the leader of Russia.  The Vilna Ga'on wrote that he measured from Jerusalem going to points north.  When the Vilna Ga'on wrote, over two hundred years ago, all the land going from Jerusalem to points north, even beyond the North Pole to what is now Alaska, was Russia.  But in 1867, the Russian czar sold Alaska to the Americans for $7.2 million (what a deal!) and NOW the land going from Jerusalem to points north, in other words beyond the North Pole, is American.


So, sending tens of thousands of American soldiers here to try and "enforce order" in some kind of "peace deal creating 'Palestine'" is well within the realm of possibility.  It is the reason we see Obama's name encoded in Ezekiel 38:2 starting with the last letter of the word "nasí" [נשיא].  The name that comes out by counting 7 letters and taking every SEVENTH letter is very very clear in the Hebrew - אובאמה - OBAMA.  Put differently, Obama, in my opinion, is Gog.  That's why his name is there - encoded in the Tana"kh for all of us to see.

That leaves a few uncomfortable questions.  If hasbará is a waste of time, and our best solution so far is to learn how to shoot straight, what about OUR government?  Wouldn't THEY do something to prevent this travesty?  If Netanyahu is willing to go for a "two state solution" (remember the Cairo speech?) and put Tzipi Livni in charge of "negotiating" with the terrorists of the PA, that should tell you what OUR government will do to protect us - absolutely nothing!!   So, my fellow Israelis, we are on our own with only our G-d to protect us!  When WE figure that out, accept that AND ACT ACCORDINGLY, we will see His Redemption!


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